Terms of use

Version : 4 avril 2024

Version 1.0 – last updated on 18 July 2024

Please find below the Terms of Use applicable to the use of the Oenobiol website, accessible via the following link https://oenobiol.com/en_fr/ (the “Website“). Oenobiol is a trademark owned by Cooper Consumer Health B.V.

These Terms of Use are intended to inform the users of the Website of the rules on the use of the Website. Please read these Terms of Use carefully before visiting our Website.

These Terms of Use constitute a legally binding agreement made between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity (“you”), and Coopération Pharmaceutique Française, concerning your access to and use of the Website. By using our Website, you are deemed to have read and agree to these Terms of Use.

If you have questions, you can contact us by using the contact information we provided in Clause 10.

1.    Information about us

This Website is operated by and these Terms of Use are applicable to Coopération Pharmaceutique Française, a company organized and existing under the laws of the France, with enterprise number 399 227 636 and with its registered office at Place Lucien Auvert, 77020 Melun Cedex, France.

Coopération Pharmaceutique Française and Cooper Consumer Health B.V. are part of the Cooper Consumer Health Group, a group of companies primarily active in the development, registration, manufacturing and marketing of consumer health products, food supplements, cosmetics and medicines in Europe.

2.    Website content

We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information on our Website, but we do not guarantee that the information on our Website is error-free, complete, or current.

Certain entries on this Website may relate to medicines, methods of treatment and other information about health problems. We provide this information for informational purposes only; under no circumstances should this be construed as a substitute for the advice of a doctor or pharmacist.

We reserve the right, at any time and without prior notice, to modify, add to, delete or temporarily cease publication of part or all of our Website.

3.    Use of the Website

3.1.   Permitted use

You may only use our Website for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not infringe the rights of others, interfere with the security of our Website, or damage our Website, services, systems, or users.

3.2.   Prohibited uses

You may not use our Website under any circumstances:

  • in any way that violates applicable local, national or international laws and regulations;
  • in any way that is unlawful or fraudulent or has or may have an unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect;
  • to gain unauthorised access to any parts of our Website or any other information or data on our Website;
  • in any way that we believe may harm the reliability, speed or operation of the Website or any underlying hardware or software;
  • transmit any unlawful, threatening, abusive, obscene, offensive, inflammatory, pornographic or profane material or other information that could give rise to civil or criminal liability under the law of the territory covered by this Website;
  • to duplicate, copy or resell in any way this Website or any part thereof without prior permission.

Finally, you may not use spiders, robots, data mining techniques or other automated devices, tools or programmes to manipulate, catalogue, download or otherwise reproduce, store or distribute the content available on our Website.

3.3.   Your responsibility towards us

As a user, you accept that you are solely responsible and liable for any breach of the contents of these Terms of Use and that we are justified in bringing claims or legal proceedings against you for any breach of these Terms of Use.

3.4.   Damage

In case of damage, you indemnify and compensate us for any claim and/or proceedings brought by third parties, regardless of its form and nature, if directly or indirectly related to the information and other content provided by you and published by you on our Website or resulting from your communication with us.

On this account, you shall assume responsibility for all damages to which we could be condemned as well as legal costs and fees paid by us. We undertake to notify you as soon as possible of any such legal action.

4.    External links

Our Website may contain links to external websites or resources that are not under our control. These links are provided solely for your convenience and do not mean that we endorse those websites or are responsible for their content, functionality, or security. You use these third-party links at your own risk. We recommend that you always consult the privacy notices and terms of use of these external websites before using them. We are not liable for any damage or loss caused by your use of external links.

5.    Privacy

We take your privacy very seriously and will process your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws. By using our Website, you agree that we will process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Notice.

For more information on how we collect, use, store and protect your personal data in the context of this Website, we encourage you to thoroughly review our Privacy Notice https://oenobiol.com/en_fr/privacy-policy/

6.    Intellectual property

All intellectual property rights in our Website, including but not limited to the layout, text, graphics, logos, trademarks, designs, databases, software, trade and domain names are owned by us or our licensors, and are protected by applicable intellectual property laws.

You expressly acknowledge that all relevant property rights belong to Coopération Pharmaceutique Française, Cooper Consumer Health B.V. or other entities within the Cooper Consumer Health Group.

You agree not to infringe our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of third parties in connection with your use of our Website.

You may use this Website and the materials on this Website only in accordance with these Terms of Use and subject to compliance with any intellectual property rights or any other rights indicated to you. None of these materials may be stored (other than as necessary to view the Website), reproduced, modified, disclosed, distributed, transmitted, sold, transferred to third parties or used in any way unless we have given prior written permission.

With the exception of contractual agreements to the contrary, by sending texts, photos, drawings, images, sound, data, etc. to us, each legal or natural person transfers to us all its property rights including intellectual property rights and copyrights on the aforementioned works and indemnifies us against any third-party claims in that regard.

We always reserve the right to take legal action against anyone who violates the intellectual property rights on our Website.

7.    Non-Confidential Information

Subject to our Cookie and Privacy Notices, any communication or other material that you send to us through the internet or post on the Website by electronic mail or otherwise, such as any questions, comments and suggestions, is and will be deemed to be non-confidential and we shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to it. We shall be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in these communications and materials for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products.

8.    Limitation of liability

The information on this Website is for general information purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Although the Website strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information, no guarantee is given as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability or timeliness of the information on the Website. For these reasons, we disclaim in principle any responsibility with regard to material or immaterial damages that might result from the use or non-use of the information provided, or the use of erroneous and incomplete information, insofar as no wilful misconduct or error due to gross negligence can be attributed to us.

The Website and its owners, officers, directors, employees, affiliates and representatives shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to injury, loss or damage arising out of or in connection with the use or interpretation of the information on the Website, or reliance on such information. Users are advised to seek professional medical advice before acting on any information on the Website.

9.    Other provisions

9.1.   Changes

We reserve the right to amend these Terms of Use from time to time. It will always be the latest version of our Terms of Use that applies. You waive any right to receive specific notice of each such change. It is your responsibility to periodically review these Terms of Use to stay informed of updates. You will be subject to, and will be deemed to have been made aware of and to have accepted, the changes in any revised Terms of Use by your continued use of the Website after the date such revised Terms of Use are posted. We therefore invite you to always consult the latest version of these Terms of Use on our Website.

9.2.   Divisibility

If one or more clauses of these Terms of Use, in whole or in part, should be declared void, invalid, illegal or inapplicable under applicable law, this situation shall not affect the validity of the remaining clauses. The void, invalid, illegal or inapplicable clause shall be retroactively replaced by a valid and applicable clause whose content is as close as possible to the original clause.

9.3.   Non-waiver of remedies

In the event that we do not exercise any rights, in whole or in part, or in the event that we decide not to act against any breach of these Terms of Use by you, that does not prevent us from exercising that right at a later date and should in no way be taken as a waiver by us of any subsequent breach by you of the same or any other provision of these Terms of Use.

9.4.   Applicable law and jurisdiction

This Website and these Terms of Use are governed by French laws. All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Website and these Terms of Use must be submitted to the competent courts in France.

10.      Contact information

For questions or comments on these Terms of Use or on the content of our Website, please contact us by sending an e-mail to: conso-oenobiol@cooperconsumerhealth.comor by sending a letter to our address: Place Lucien Auvert, 77020 Melun Cedex, France.

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